Buddy ve eğitmen eşliğinde bağımsız olarak dalmak ve eğitimleri paylaşabilmek.

Scuba malzemeleri ve diğer ekipmanları hazırlayıp kuşanabilmek.

Eğitmen veya Dive Master eşliğinde 18 metreye kadar açık deniz dalışları yapabilme ve bunları kayıt altına alabilme.

  • Dive with a buddy independent of supervision while applying the knowledge and skills they learn in this course, within the limits of their training and experience.
  • Obtain air fills, scuba equipment and other services.
  • Plan, conduct and log open water no stop (no decompression) dives when properly equipped and when accompanied by a buddy in conditions with which they have training and/or experience.
  • Continue their dive training with a specialty dive (Adventure Dive), in the PADI Adventures in Diving program or in PADI Specialty courses.
